Monday, December 7, 2009

Twitter Gadget

I think the twitter gadget here on Blogger is eating its own face at the moment.

I was trying to put it on the still-new sister blog in the Tri-State Weather/Media/Observations Empire (long name, and it's all tongue in cheek...heh), Tri-State Weather Watch, and... for whatever reason, it wasn't displaying MY weather twitter feed. Instead...I have no clue whose twitter feed it had. (Yes, I still follow weather stuff...and yes, I still do media - who says I need to have just one interest? Heh.)

If you see something go amiss with the feed on this blog (as in, it displays tweets that don't look like they came from me - and you'll know if they aren't bc they won't link back to my personal twitter but to another feed) - let me know about it so I can remove it ASAP.

Courage + Belief = LIFE

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