Sunday, February 13, 2011

Returning to the Blogger Blog-o-sphere

I have returned to Blogger, but with a few things having changed:

1) Some of you may notice that I'm no longer associated, at least as a writer, with Tri-State Media Watch. Due to circumstances that occurred in late January that I have been advised NOT to discuss publicly, I've handed that over to Cindy Detro, a friend of mine from Circleville, Ohio and her boyfriend Jerry Jicha. And it's been moved to the Wordpress platform, which works better for them. (Both Cindy and Jerry are blind, and use screen reader software to do just about anything on a computer.)

2) Slightly related: If I was following you via the FORMER TSMW profile, and I don't follow you on this one, please let me know. (I know of a few of you since you're linked at right and after this post I'll be re-following.)

3) My YouTube posts will return soon, and I may post them here as well.

Courage + Belief = LIFE

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Welcome Back dear friend. I recently just made a come back myself. Keep in touch I enjoy reading your blog. :)