Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Promised Medical Update.

As I noted yesterday, I spent time at a local hospital being checked out Thursday night/very early Friday morning.

Here's what I know occurred. For the last two or three weeks, I have been dealing with off and on back pain. I believed it to be nothing major at the time, just some minor issues.

Then, Thursday around 12 noon, I woke up with pain so bad, I was screaming. This continued through most of the day, before I finally sought medical attention.

The diagnosis was a back sprain, combined with a significant, but not hospitalization-requiring, bladder infection.

The treatment as of now is 4 days of muscle relaxers, combined with Bactrim for said bladder infection.

Your prayers and thoughts would be appreciated from here at the NKY HQ of Tri-State Media Watch...


Pat Jenkins said...

get better jeremy... and wish your mom a happy mothers day for me!!

Jen said...

you are in my thoughts and prayers.
take care.